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Printable Form Instruction 1042-S High Point North Carolina: What You Should Know

Veterans Act of 2010: What's New. • Until further notice. • Section 906 of the 2025 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PACA) requires veterans to enroll in the VA online health care exchange if the veteran is not eligible for a premium tax credit, or a tax-free assistance program. Section 906 of PACA requires the Veterans Benefit office to provide the following options to help veterans in their transition to a private plan: • Create a paperless enrollment. Online enrollment provides the fastest and most economical health care for veterans. The process will take your name, date of birth, Social Security Number, military branch and your veteran ID card information and print it out and mail it to the VA Office of Disability Assessment & Support Services. It requires no paper application forms. The VA office will not charge you the 10 per year fee to enroll using this process even if the VA Office of Disability Assessment & Support Services cannot charge a fee to a veteran who has not previously received services from that branch. You will have the ability to continue the enrollment process at no additional cost throughout your entire time in the VA (including when you leave the VA). • Create a paperless enrollment using their new website for vets in Florida — Gotta. If you want to pay by paper, the paperless enrollment is available only in Florida. Visit the Gotta site to create an online account. Find A Health Plan — Gotta Jul 28, 2025 — You can visit one of the new Gotta sites (health, Medicare, Healthcare.gov) to help you select a health plan. If you have questions, please direct them to our Customer Service Center at. Find a Health Plan — VA Jul 28, 2025 — Use the search page to find a health plan that you are eligible to enroll in, even if it is not a Federal health plan. The best approach is to make a personal appointment or schedule an appointment over the phone with your VA medical provider. Make sure your health plan is: • Open • Enrollment • Open through next week • Not a Federal health plan • Not open until 2025 Find A Health Plan. If You Want To Pay By Paper. If you are eligible for a Federal health plan through your employer, then you are required to file a Federal tax return by April 15 of the year following you turn 65 years old.

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